Friday, February 15, 2008

Job Shadow Requirements

In oder to take part in the job shadow program you must be a junior, senior, or sophmore with special permission from Mr. Dewar.

  1. Please complete a permission form and application and return them to Mrs. Ellis.
  2. Research the career on the bridges program and save it to your portfolio.
  3. Set an apointment with Mrs. Ellis.

The day of the job shadow:

  1. Be on time
  2. Dress for sucess
  3. be polite
  4. bring your permission form
  5. Bring your questions packet
  6. verbaly thank you host

After the Jo shadow:

  1. Fill out the questions and reflection form
  2. return it to Mrs. Ellis
  3. write a thank you not to the professional that hosted you for the day.
  4. After all of this is finished you absence will be excused.

for any further questions speak to Mrs. Ellis in the School to Career office.

1 comment:

JUN10RS! said...

The job shadow program seems like a great opportunity to get involved and start figuring out what we want to do!