Thursday, February 28, 2008

Why School to Career?

Through my time here I have approached many student who I have felt needed a little boost or guidance with career exploration. I often get a strange response I don't really comprehend. "WHY WOULD I NEED THAT?" Well here are a few thought on WHY. High School and the teen years can be very confusing. Student are focused on studies, social life, and just trying to make it through. BUT what comes next. Many have no clue, and that's okay. That is why you explore. Take the opportunity to learn about yourself, likes, dislikes, wants, needs, goals. You have the ability to do this now without the worry of huge bills, and the everyday concerns of people working to clothe, feed, and shelter themselves. When you know what you like and more about what you want choosing a career and a future path is a little easier. You are able to explore now in an atmosphere that supports you. When I work with a student closely I get to know them. I can see clearly, even if they can't, opportunities that are around them. Program and experiences that they will enjoy and at the same time enhance their life now and in the future. Their is a path of success and happiness for all of us we just need a little help finding it sometimes. I encourage student of all grades and abilities to begin the path of self discovery, and I'm here in my little office if you ever want or need a little help finding that path. I love the student i work with and work hard to make them successful but in the end it comes down to you making the initial moves. Take one step on to the path and you'll find each step after that is just a little easier.

-Mrs. Ellis

Friday, February 15, 2008

Job Shadow Requirements

In oder to take part in the job shadow program you must be a junior, senior, or sophmore with special permission from Mr. Dewar.

  1. Please complete a permission form and application and return them to Mrs. Ellis.
  2. Research the career on the bridges program and save it to your portfolio.
  3. Set an apointment with Mrs. Ellis.

The day of the job shadow:

  1. Be on time
  2. Dress for sucess
  3. be polite
  4. bring your permission form
  5. Bring your questions packet
  6. verbaly thank you host

After the Jo shadow:

  1. Fill out the questions and reflection form
  2. return it to Mrs. Ellis
  3. write a thank you not to the professional that hosted you for the day.
  4. After all of this is finished you absence will be excused.

for any further questions speak to Mrs. Ellis in the School to Career office.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Future Teacher conference

The date of the conference has been changed to April 16. More information will came at a later date.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Do you like animals? Join the Zoo Crew.

Capron park is now taking applications for the teen zoo crew. See Mrs. Ellis for more details or go to and look under volunteers.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Human Services Academy

There will be an informationa session on Wednesday Febuaray 13 @ 1:00 in the auditoium to discuss the human service acedemy. All student in the 2009 graduating class are welcome to attend. This program prepares student for a rewarding career working with individuals that have developmental disabilities along with future enrollment in BCC and it will not cost a thing. While in school you will receive training in medication adminstration, first aid, CPR, human rights and much more. upon graduation and sucessful completion of the program you Will be offered a full time job. See Mrs. Ellis or come the the meeting to learn more.